I really hate when things don't go my way. It never fails - you have an idea in your mind of how a day is going to go, and then you hit a bump in the road.
Yesterday morning I got up to take a bath. I heard Bella yelling from her room to get up, so I went and got her, stuck her in the bath with me and figured I could kill two birds with one stone that way. I went to start shampooing her hair and OH MY LORD!
Panic set in. What do I do? I don't know how to handle this. It's mother's day...and I need mine!
L - I - C - E. Lice. On my child. IN MY HOUSE. ON MOTHER'S DAY! Is this some kind of a joke?!
So, Jeff went to church (yes, unfortunately when you pastor a church, few things can relieve you from your duties behind the pulpit) and I stayed home and disinfected my house. And everything in it. While wearing a hazmat suit. (Just kidding about the hazmat suit. But don't think I didn't consider it.) As most of you probably know, there is no shortage of hair in our home. Tackling lice is no easy task anyway, but this - this is ridiculous. I had a momentary lapse in judgment and considered shaving my head. I didn't.
The funny thing I found about it all, was that even though de-lousing my home and everyone who walked through wasn't my idea of how to spend Mother's Day, it was still a really good day. It's just one of those things that come with being a mom. One way or another, I got to spend the day with my sweet little Bella - and later that day, my own mom. And because it has to be said - I appreciate her SO much more now that I'VE been the one to stand and shampoo, comb and pick lice out of someone's head, and wash everything in your home.
I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day!