1) Rear turn signal bulb burned out. Add that to the list.
2) Left to replace the turn signal bulb. Backed over an entire box of scrapbooking supplies that I forgot to take in the house when I cleaned the van out.
3) Arrived at Walmart to have the bulb replaced. Sales associate says to me about the service worker standing right next to her at the desk "You can ask him yourself if we do that." The same associate then proceeds to put my information in their system as "Gassisa McCarty". Really?
Thanks Walmart. Once again your stellar customer service has exceeded my wildest expectations. Not.
4) They kept my keys. I had to go get the kids out of the car after checking the vehicle in. This seemed to anger the anti-theft system when I had them unlock the door for me from the inside, which followed by persistent honking of the car horn for the next 5 minutes.
Overall - you can see how it was a great day. T-minus 18 hours til vacation....and counting.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
i heart donald miller
Awesome article by Donald Miller. Jeff has read all of his books. I've never read one. But I like his blog. Sometimes he's out there, but he's real...and I like it.
I’d rather be hated than loved with conditions. I think most people would agree. At least when people hate you, they are being intellectually honest. I mean you know where they stand. But we’ve all shared a political view or a struggle and had people take a half step back, or worse, reveal they no longer want the best for us. When this happens I get a hollow feeling and I associate that hollow feeling with the person and their ideas. So that begs the question, do we actually love our friends without conditions? Are we the kind of friend we hope to have? Ultimately, loving people conditionally is an attempt to control them. We are wrongly thinking that if we can make people “pay” for their faults, or their opinions that don’t match ours, they will have a negative association with their faults or their supposedly wrong opinions. But that’s not the way it works.

When we attach conditions to our love, what we are really doing is attaching a negative association with us! People don’t sit around saying, man, if I just didn’t have this fault or this opinion, that person would love me. What they actually think is this: Wow, that person is a jerk, and all they represent, including their morality and political beliefs must make people jerks. I never want to be like that, so I will seek another community that accepts me as I am.
It’s interesting to me that Jesus never forced anybody to agree with Him. Instead, He has a quiet confidence. He was responsible to say the truth and to be Himself and he let others take responsibility for their lives. He did not use love like money, paying some and withholding from others in an effort to control them. He spoke the truth, He wasn’t offended when people didn’t agree, and He gave them their own will to do as they wish. But what’s more, He loved them regardless. He loved them whether they followed Him or tried to kill them. He even loved them while they were killing Him.
If you have an opinion, and somebody disagrees, let them. Just make it know what you think about the issue, listen to them closely, and then love and care about them regardless. If they keep trying to change your mind, gently explain to them that you simply don’t agree, but you don’t want it to interrupt your friendship. If people can only be friends with others who think the way they think, this is a weakness in character.
The Jesus kind of love, the love that speaks the truth and yet does not try to control, is supernatural. It is a very confident position and it comes from God. Will it always win? No, but the point is not to win, the point is to love, even to our deaths. So make this commitment, I will tell the truth to the best of my ability, I will not try to control, and there is nothing anybody can do to get me to stop loving them.
v. a. c. a. tion
I grew up with older parents. Therefore I listened to older music. And I'll admit - I kind of like it. Sometimes. So my blog post - it's a nod to a Connie Francis song. Yup, I'm officially a dork.
My day today further confirmed that we are in need of a vacation. It wasn't a bad day. It was just one of those days when you are ready to leave reality behind and just go.
Thursday, Jeff and I got Droid's. I know, it's really exciting :) To make it even better, I got an incredible deal on them. Last night his went haywire and developed a red line on the display. Okay, so not haywire. But when you have a cool new phone, you want it to be awesome. And a red line down the middle of your display - not so awesome. So...I called the store. Bring it in, swap it out, no problem.
Right. Easier said than done.
Now, don't get me wrong. I love Verizon. I will never leave them. We've had them for years. We spent so much time at the Oxmoor Mall kiosk one year that we still exchange Christmas cards with the sales rep there. (Not really...but we should.) My mom's phone number - the original cell phone number my dad had when he got his first cell phone 20 years ago. Me and Verizon - we're as good as married. BUT...I am overly irritated by how they handle their customer load these days. You walk in, go to a computer, sign in, and 45 minutes later, someone calls your name. It doesn't matter what you're there for - that's how they roll. I was inside long enough getting Jeff's phone switched out that I began to worry my family might think I had been kidnapped or held up.
To celebrate my escape from the Verizon store, we decided to eat at our favorite new restaurant, Senor Iguanas. They just opened a new location at Shelbyville Rd & Hurstbourne so we tried it out. (BTW...it used to be the India Palace. Just incase you were wondering.) Now, we always eat at the Central Station location, where Fernando is always our waiter. You should try it and ask for him. He's awesome. But, we thought we'd a give this one a go, since it was close.
Bad decision.
Crappy service. Full of drunks (isn't it Monday?). Totally disappointed. They seemed more concerned with the table full of young girls with the constant flow of margaritas. Nothing wrong with the occasional margarita. Just give me good service and I give you good tip. Easy as pie.
So, really, this post has nothing to do with vacation. Except that after this day, I am ready for mine. Wednesday, here I come!
My day today further confirmed that we are in need of a vacation. It wasn't a bad day. It was just one of those days when you are ready to leave reality behind and just go.
Thursday, Jeff and I got Droid's. I know, it's really exciting :) To make it even better, I got an incredible deal on them. Last night his went haywire and developed a red line on the display. Okay, so not haywire. But when you have a cool new phone, you want it to be awesome. And a red line down the middle of your display - not so awesome. So...I called the store. Bring it in, swap it out, no problem.
Right. Easier said than done.
Now, don't get me wrong. I love Verizon. I will never leave them. We've had them for years. We spent so much time at the Oxmoor Mall kiosk one year that we still exchange Christmas cards with the sales rep there. (Not really...but we should.) My mom's phone number - the original cell phone number my dad had when he got his first cell phone 20 years ago. Me and Verizon - we're as good as married. BUT...I am overly irritated by how they handle their customer load these days. You walk in, go to a computer, sign in, and 45 minutes later, someone calls your name. It doesn't matter what you're there for - that's how they roll. I was inside long enough getting Jeff's phone switched out that I began to worry my family might think I had been kidnapped or held up.
To celebrate my escape from the Verizon store, we decided to eat at our favorite new restaurant, Senor Iguanas. They just opened a new location at Shelbyville Rd & Hurstbourne so we tried it out. (BTW...it used to be the India Palace. Just incase you were wondering.) Now, we always eat at the Central Station location, where Fernando is always our waiter. You should try it and ask for him. He's awesome. But, we thought we'd a give this one a go, since it was close.
Bad decision.
Crappy service. Full of drunks (isn't it Monday?). Totally disappointed. They seemed more concerned with the table full of young girls with the constant flow of margaritas. Nothing wrong with the occasional margarita. Just give me good service and I give you good tip. Easy as pie.
So, really, this post has nothing to do with vacation. Except that after this day, I am ready for mine. Wednesday, here I come!
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