Baby Shower #1 is over.
I have (had, really) 3 baby showers, 3 weeks in a row. Yikes.
Today was a shower for my sister, who is due to have a baby boy at the end of April. It was the first shower I've ever given.
Actually, that isn't true. Four years ago, I gave a personal shower for a friend of mine who was getting married. The shower was a success. The marriage - not so much. I don't think that's any reflection on me, just thought I'd throw that in there :)
Anyway, it was the first BIG shower that I've thrown where I didn't know everyone in attendance. I don't particularly care for speaking in front of large groups. I'm sort of a dork. I get nervous - hot and sweaty - and I fumble around my words. I try to be witty and funny, and I feel like people look at me like I'm stupid. Planning the event - I can knock that one out of the park. Faciliatating games, giving direction....not so polished at that part.
All that being said, I think it went well. There was a great turnout and Shannon got a LOT of good stuff. I'm super happy for her and can't wait to meet my newest little nephew!